Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy:

Plagiarism is defined as the deliberate or accidental use of words, sentences, phrases, and text from external sources in a manuscript intended for publication, without giving proper credit to the original copyright owner. It enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism to encourage the production of original scientific, technical, and medical publications. Additionally, the uncredited use of tables, images, graphs, formulas, and empirical data from any published work is also classified as plagiarism.

Our all journals adopt a stringent stance against unethical practices, including all forms of copying and plagiarism. Plagiarism is recognized when substantial parts of a manuscript are duplicated from previously published sources. Every manuscript submitted for publication is meticulously checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts that are found to contain plagiarized material during the initial review phase will be categorically rejected and will not be considered for publication. Furthermore, based on the degree of plagiarism detected, a formal retraction of the paper may be initiated. The journal is committed to honoring intellectual property rights and strives to protect and promote the originality of its authors' work. Submissions that include plagiarized content are incompatible with the journal's standards for quality, research, and innovation. Therefore, all authors are required to comply with ethical standards and to refrain from any form of plagiarism in their submissions.

All submitted manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check. If any potential instances of plagiarism are identified, the authors will be contacted for further clarification. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their work is entirely original. In cases where external sources or phrases are utilized, proper citation must be provided within the manuscript.

A strict zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism is neither feasible nor practical, as scientific writing often necessitates the use of standard terminology and expressions. Therefore, a certain tolerance level of  plagiarism is considered acceptable within the publishing industry. Upon receipt of a manuscript, our editorial team conducts a comprehensive evaluation using anti-plagiarism software to identify any such issues.

Author Notice: 

We strongly discourage all forms of plagiarism and duplicate submissions. Authors are urged to thoroughly check their article content before submission to our journals. We recommend the use of plagiarism-checking software as a preliminary measure, although these tools may not be entirely reliable.

Publications Policy: 

We conducts plagiarism checks on all manuscripts prior to publication. If plagiarism is detected by editors, peer reviewers, or editorial staff at any stage of the publication process, the manuscript may be rejected based on the extent of plagiarism identified. Authors will be promptly notified of any plagiarism issues encountered.

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