Author Guidelines

Welcome to our Author Guidelines Page

Research journals are an essential tool in the dissemination of research findings. They are often considered as the primary source of scientific and scholarly knowledge.

No matter how frequently you have gone through the process, the feeling of publishing an article remains remarkable. The vision of your hard work, spanning months or even years, finally coming to execution and self-assured to receive recognition is a moment to cherish. Our goal is to facilitate your journey to this achievement with ease. Additionally, we will be by your side as you explore the realm of published authorship, ensuring you maximize the impact of your contributions.

Publishing in a research journal is a noteworthy achievement for any author, demonstrating that they have effectively conducted research, analyzed their findings, and presented their work in a manner that satisfies the demanding standards of academia. However, the path to publication can be quite challenging, with numerous guidelines that authors must follow to enhance the likelihood of acceptance. This guide provides a thorough overview of the necessary guidelines for authors in research journals, covering all stages from manuscript preparation to submission and the review process.


Author Guidelines:

To facilitate a smooth and effective submission process, please ensure you have the following information ready before submitting your manuscript: 

Individuals who meet the criteria for authorship must be acknowledged as authors. The corresponding author is responsible for confirming that each listed author has made significant contributions to the work and is accountable for their respective sections of the manuscript. Those who do not meet the authorship criteria should be recognized in the acknowledgments section.

The submission must include the following details:

  • First name and last name
  • Complete affiliation, including the country
  • E-mail address (mandatory for the corresponding author)

Submissions to Researchtext Publishers journals should consist of:

  • Cover Letter
  • Manuscript
  • Figures and Tables

Supplemental Materials

Authors are encouraged to compile all components into a 'zip file' for submission through our online system or as an email attachment.

The Cover Letter should:

    • Provide a brief summary or outline of the manuscript, highlighting its significance to the journal
    • Specify the relevant Researchtext journal for the manuscript
    • Indicate if the submission is part of a Special Issue, if applicable
    • State the type of manuscript (e.g., original research, review)
    • Detail any prior interactions with Researchtext Publishers (if previously submitted)
    • Include all authors' information, including their affiliations
    • Mention acknowledgments and funding information, if relevant, along with any competing interests.

Authors must ensure that the submitted article is their original work, which has not been previously submitted, or published as a full paper elsewhere (Except as an abstract). Authors should state that all data in the paper are real and authentic. All submitted papers after a successful plagiarism check, We run all the manuscripts through a third-party plagiarism software. We consider plagiarism as a case in which a submitted paper replicates another work with at least 30% similarity and without due citation. Then articles subject to firm double blind peer review process by at least two national/external reviewers. The review process might take nearly 60 - 90 days from the time of submission. However, the duration may vary depending upon the reviewer response. The reasons for rejections will be mentioned and rejected articles will not be stimulated for re-reviewing authors should provide all sources of data used in the research. The papers with suggestions for review will be sent to Authors to do provide revised version of their article, according to the reviewers' recommendations. 

After submission of the revised manuscript, The same will be sent for formatting process and the proof copy will be mailed for any corrections to be made. Post publication, it is the responsibility of authors to report any errors in their published paper to the Journal. All submitted papers may include a separate section including acknowledgements, notifying any conflicts of interest, and sources of funding before references.

Author Information

Co-author Details: Please ensure you provide the full names and email addresses of all co-authors involved in your manuscript.

Corresponding Author: Clearly designate one corresponding author who will be chiefly responsible for communications during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication stages.

Language Style: To provide your work the best chance of being understood and evaluated fairly by editors and reviewers, ensure it is presented in well-written English.

Our publication ethics policies.

Research Text Publishers is committed to the publication of content that adheres to the highest standards of research and ethical integrity. Our publication strategies are meticulously designed to ensure accuracy, transparency, and inclusivity, in line with the best practices recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and other similar organizations.

We strongly encourage authors to become acquainted with the policy information outlined on these pages during the article preparation process. Furthermore, we advise our journal editors and reviewers to familiarize themselves with this information to ensure that all submissions adhere to the ethical standards of Research Text Publishers.

Factors influencing the determination of authorship.

All listed authors must meet the following criteria:

  • Significant contributions have been made to the concept, design, acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data.
  • The article has either been composed or thoroughly reviewed to ensure substantial intellectual depth.
  • The final version of the article has received their approval before publication.
  • Acknowledged and accepted responsibility for all aspects of the work while addressing any issues related to its accuracy or integrity.

Author roles

The author who submits a manuscript to the journal's submission system is referred to as the "submitting author." This author holds the responsibility of adding appropriate authors who meet the required criteria and ensuring that all authors' contact and affiliation information is accurate. In some cases, the submitting author may designate a co-author as the corresponding author, provided they have consented. The corresponding author is responsible for the publication and serves as the primary contact after the manuscript has been published.

Proofs and Reprints: 

Reprints can be ordered separately and optionally for any article that has published in our Journals. Authors are not eligible for reprints of their published articles simply by paying the article publishing fees.

Electronic proofs will be dispatched to the corresponding author in the form of a PDF attachment via email. The page proofs represent the final version of the manuscript. Changes will not be permitted at the proof stage, except for typographical or minor clerical corrections. Authors will have complimentary electronic access to the complete text of the article in HTML, PDF, and XML formats. We aim to prepare the revised proof of the article within 5-7 business days. This may take longer in cases where we do not have editable files, such as for older articles.

If author wants to take the reprints of their article or particular issue, kindly drop us a mail to 

Withdraw Policy

There are instances when authors decide to withdraw their manuscript from the publication process, either after it has been submitted or once it has been published. These requests can sometimes occur just days before the intended publication date, causing a substantial loss of time, financial resources, and effort for our editors, reviewers, and editorial staff.

If an author withdraws a manuscript following its publication, any article publication fees already paid will not be refunded. Furthermore, if authors do not respond to the editorial office's communications, even after several reminders, the editorial office/Researchtext Publishers Group reserves the right to disclose the authors' actions and the manuscript's content without further consent from the authors, and will not be liable for any consequences that may result.

  • Prior Authorization: Researchers and research students must obtain authorization from their mentors and professors before submitting manuscripts to our journals.
  • Publication Ethics: Adherence to the publication ethics specified on our authors' instructions page is mandatory for all authors.
  • Previous Submissions: Any manuscripts submitted to other publishers must be properly withdrawn prior to submission to our journal.
  • Multiple Submissions: It is not acceptable to withdraw a manuscript from one journal solely because it has been accepted by another.
  • Data Verification: Authors are responsible for ensuring that all information and data presented in their manuscript are accurate and error-free before submission.
  • Consent for Publication: All authors must agree to the publication of their articles in the specified journal before they submit.
  • Manuscript Withdrawal Charges: Authors may withdraw a manuscript within 48 hours of submission without incurring any withdrawal penalty.

If an author requests the withdrawal of their manuscript after the peer review stage, during the production phase (which includes early release or prior to publication), or following its online publication, they will be liable for a defined withdrawal penalty. Manuscripts can only be withdrawn after the penalty has been completely settled. This policy confirms that withdrawal charges will be enforced in these instances.


Open Access provides several benefits, including increased visibility, expedited citation, immediate access to full text versions, enhanced impact, and the ability for authors to retain copyright of their work. All Open Access articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license ( It also facilitates the immediate deposit of the final published version in other repositories without limitations on reuse.

Manuscript Guidelines:

  • The required word count for original research articles is between 3,500 and 4,000 words, while studies that include meta-analysis may extend up to 5,500 words.
  • Authors are advised to adopt a clear and succinct writing style.
  • The manuscript must be composed in clear, concise, and fluent English.
  • Please use 12-point Times New Roman font for the text.
  • Ensure that all pages are numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.

Title Page:

  • The title page should contain the article type, manuscript title, the list of all authors with their affiliations, and the corresponding author's contact details (email address and phone number).
  • Provide a short running title of fewer than 200 characters.

Author Information:

  • Complete names and affiliation of all authors, including contact details of corresponding author (Telephone, Fax and E-mail address).


  • The abstract needs to be informative and self-explanatory, succinctly presenting the topic, outlining the experimental scope, indicating significant data, and summarizing the key objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.


  • Provide a list of 4 to 6 keywords that best represent the content of the manuscript.


  • Provide   a   clear statement of the objectives and  problem  of   the research .
  • Present a concise summary of the significant research available in this area.
  • The introduction must be sufficiently broad to engage readers from various scientific fields.

Materials and Methods:

  • This section should provide a complete overview of the design of the study.
  • Detailed descriptions of materials or participants, comparisons, interventions and types of analysis should be mentioned.
  • The new procedures should be described in detail; previously published procedures should be cited and important modifications of published procedures should be mentioned briefly.
  • Trade names should be capitalized, and the manufacturer's name and address must be included.

If Your Paper is Case Report

Case Presentations:

  • The case presentation should include the patient's demographic information, medical history, presenting symptoms, and physical examination findings.
  • Any relevant laboratory, radiographic or other diagnostic test results should also be included.


  • Present the results in a logical sequence using tables and figures when appropriate.
  • Avoid duplicating information already presented in the tables or figures in the main text.


  • Assess the findings and correlate them with the existing literature in the field.
  • Discuss the implications and significance of the results.
  • Highlight limitations and suggest future research directions.


  • Summarize the main findings concisely and provide a clear conclusion.


  • Acknowledge individuals or organizations that have contributed to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship.
  • This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc.
  • Note: If an author fails to submit his/her work as per the above instructions, they are pleased to maintain clear titles namely headings, subheading.

Ethical Considerations:

  • If applicable, provide statements regarding ethical approval and informed consent for studies involving human subjects or animals.

Conflict of Interest:

  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the results or interpretations of the manuscript.


  • Cite all sources accurately using the preferred citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard).
  • Ensure that all references mentioned in the text are included in the reference list.
  • Example: Nitt M, Emily Y, Chris B, Jennifer B, Christine D. The immunology of fibrosis: innate and adaptive responses. Trends Immunol. 2010; 31: 110-119.


  • The preferred file formats for photographic images are .doc, TIFF and JPEG.

Figure legends

  • These should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet.

Tables and Equations as Graphics

If equations cannot be encoded in MathML, submit them in TIFF or EPS format as discrete files (i.e., a file containing only the data for one equation). Only when tables cannot be encoded as XML/SGML can they be submitted as graphics. If this method is used, it is critical that the font size in all equations and tables is consistent and legible throughout all submissions.

  • Suggested Equation Extraction Method
  • Table Specifications
  • Equation Specifications

Supplementary Information

Essential information that contributes to a thorough understanding of the manuscript but is either too extensive for inclusion in the main document or for other reasons should be provided as supplementary materials. This may include 3-D visualizations, interactive graphics, large tables, and figures, among others. Authors should be aware that standard figures and tables do not qualify as supplemental materials.

Submission Guidelines

  • The manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not currently under review by another journal, unless an explanation has been included in the Comments to the Editor.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The formatting of the text includes single spacing and a 12-point font. Italics are preferred over underlining, except for URLs. Moreover, all illustrations, figures, and tables are included within the text at appropriate intervals instead of being relegated to the end.
  • The document complies with the stylistic and bibliographic standards specified in the Author Guidelines available in the About the Journal section.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Benefits of Open Access include greater visibility, accelerated citation, immediate access to the full text versions, higher impact and authors retains the copyright to their work. All open access articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. It also allows immediate deposit of the final published version in other repositories without restriction on re-use.

By following these manuscript preparation guidelines, you can ensure that your manuscript is ready for submission to our journal. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.


All submitted manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review by experts in the field.

Authors will be notified about the decision of acceptance, rejection, or revision based on the reviewers' feedback.

By following these guidelines, you will help us expedite the review process and enhance the quality of our publications. We appreciate your adherence to these instructions and look forward to receiving your valuable contribution.

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