Associate Editor Guidelines

Associate Editors are typically experts in their respective fields, responsible for overseeing the manuscript review process for submitted articles. Their duties include assessing manuscripts in their area of specialization, identifying appropriate peer reviewers, making decisions or recommendations regarding the acceptance, revision, or rejection of submissions, and delivering feedback to authors while managing the revision process.

  • Associate Editors play a crucial role in the peer review process, tasked with ensuring that only high-quality manuscripts are published.
  • The Associate Editors play a crucial role in the publication of high-quality manuscripts submitted by authors on relevant topics.
  • They are responsible for ensuring that all manuscripts undergo thorough peer review and evaluation before being accepted for publication.
  • Their contributions are vital to the overall quality of the journals, and the journal's success largely hinges on their insights and active involvement.
  • The Editorial office assigns articles based on the research interests of the Associate Editors, who are expected to respond to correspondence within a designated timeframe.
  • If they are unable to review a manuscript due to time constraints, they should promptly notify the editorial office, allowing for reassignment to other Associate Editors with similar expertise.
  • In cases where they cannot undertake a review, they may recommend potential reviewers to facilitate the process.
  • Timely submission of manuscripts is essential to maintain the publication schedule.
  • Associate Editors are entrusted with handling any confidential information related to their responsibilities. If an author includes data about real individuals in medical or scientific records, the Editorial Team must obtain written consent from those individuals for the material to be eligible for publication.
  • It is imperative for Associate Editors to safeguard personal data and uphold confidentiality. When dealing with case reports and patient images, obtaining informed written consent is strongly advised.
  • Editorial board members are encouraged to provide constructive feedback for the advancement of the organization.
  • Associate Editors may be considered for promotion to Editor positions within the journal based on their active engagement and experience.
  • Their significant contributions and effectiveness may also lead to opportunities to serve as esteemed members of the advisory board.
  • The review comments provided by the editors will be adhered to strictly, after which authors will be asked to revise their manuscripts in accordance with the feedback received.

If you are interested in join as Associate Editor, please mail us your CV to



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