Diabetes Health Innovations

Aims and Scope

Aim and Scope

The Diabetes Health Innovations journal aims to advance knowledge, research, and practices in the field of diabetes care and management. It focuses on groundbreaking innovations in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of diabetes, including advancements in technology, pharmacology, lifestyle interventions, and patient-centered care. The journal serves as a platform for the dissemination of novel scientific discoveries, clinical practices, and health policy recommendations to improve the lives of individuals with diabetes worldwide.


The mission of Diabetes Health Innovations is to foster the advancement of diabetes care through the dissemination of cutting-edge research and clinical innovations. By providing a platform for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers, the journal seeks to inspire new approaches, improve patient outcomes, and reduce the global burden of diabetes through evidence-based practices and novel healthcare solutions.


The vision of Diabetes Health Innovations is to be a leading global publication that drives the transformation of diabetes care. By integrating scientific advancements, technological innovations, and community-based interventions, the journal envisions a world where diabetes is better managed, prevented, and ultimately, eradicated. It aims to empower healthcare professionals and patients with the tools, knowledge, and insights needed to combat the diabetes epidemic on a global scale.

Goals of Diabetes Health Innovations Journal:

  1. Promote Innovation:  To publish the latest breakthroughs in diabetes research, therapy, and technology that lead to improved care and better outcomes for diabetes patients. 
  2. Advance Knowledge Sharing: To serve as a platform for exchanging critical insights across the diabetes care spectrum, bridging gaps between clinical practice, research, and policy.
  3. Facilitate Multidisciplinary Collaboration: To encourage collaboration among researchers, clinicians, public health experts, and policymakers, promoting a holistic approach to diabetes management.
  4. Support Evidence-Based Practices: To ensure the dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed research that supports evidence-based approaches to diabetes prevention, management, and treatment.
  5. Global Impact:  To drive the development of global strategies that address the social, economic, and healthcare challenges of diabetes, especially in underserved communities.
  6. Patient-Centered Focus: To highlight research and practices that empower patients, enhancing their involvement in the management of their condition and improving their quality of life.

Through these efforts, Diabetes Health Innovations will contribute to shaping the future of diabetes care, making a significant impact on individuals and communities affected by the disease.


Journal Highlight areas


Adipokines and Metabolism Diabetes and Mental Health Hormone Regulated Gene Expression
Adrenal Diabetes and nutrition Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Adrenal Disorders Diabetes and Obesity Hypertension and diabetes
Advanced technologies & treatments for diabetes Diabetes and the Immune System Hyperthyroidism
Alternative medical therapies for diabetes Diabetes and vascular diseases Hypogonadism
Antibiotics for diabetes Diabetes chronic complications Hypothyroidism
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Diabetes Diabetes Complications Insulin Pumps
 Bone and Mineral Diabetes Education and Management Insulin Resistance
 Clinical endocrinology Diabetes in healthcare Insulin Resistance Syndrome
 Clinical medicine Diabetes induced Infertility Insulin Therapy
 Corticosteroids Diabetes Management Intermittent Fasting in Diabetes
 Diabetes Diabetes medications Intracellular Steroid and Lipid Metabolism
 Diabetology Diabetes mellitus type 1 Islet Transplantation
 Endocrine disease Diabetes mellitus type 2 Management of diabetes
 Endocrine Disorders Diabetes nursing Market analysis of diabetic products
 Endocrine tumors Diabetes Prevention Programs Menopause and Hormonal Changes
 Endocrinology Diabetes technology Metabolic syndrome
 Genetics Diabetic comaDiabetic nephropathy Molecular Endocrinology
 Growth hormone Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Neuroendocrine Regulation
 Hormone therapy Diabetic Nephropathy Neuroendocrine Tumors
 Hormones Diabetic neuropathy Nutritional Interventions in Diabetes
 Interventions Diabetic Retinopathy Obesity and Endocrine Pathophysiology
 Lipid metabolism Endocrine and Cardiovascular Disease Obesity and Metabolism
 Metabolic disease Endocrine and Mental Health Pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus
 Metabolic syndrome Endocrine complications of diabetes Pediatric diabetes
 Metabolism Endocrine Disruptors Pediatric Endocrinology
 Obesity Endocrine Disruptors and Environmental Impact         Personalized Medicine in Diabetes
 Osteoporosis Endocrine Glands and Hormones Pharmacogenomics in Diabetes
 Parathyroid Endocrine Hypertension Pheochromocytoma
 Pituitary Endocrine Immune System Interactions Pituitary Adenomas
 Prolactin Endocrine Pharmacology Pituitary Gland Disorders
 Testosterone Endocrine Surgery Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
 Thyroid Endocrine System and Aging Precision Medicine in Endocrinology
Beta cell transplantation Endocrine Tumors and Cancer Recent advancement in diabetes
Beta-Cell Regeneration Epidemiology and public health Renal Failure and Impotence
Biomarkers of diabetes mellitus Epidemiology of Diabetes Reproductive Endocrinology
Bone Health and Osteoporosis Exercise and Diabetes Role of oxidative stress in diabetic complications
Case studies on diabetes Gastrointestinal and Neuroendocrinology Short term diabetic complications
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Gastrointestinal Disorders Signaling Mechanisms
Corticosteroid Therapy Gene Editing (CRISPR) in Diabetes Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors
Current challenges in new therapies to diabetes complications         Gene therapy Stem Cells for Diabetes
Cushing's Syndrome Genetics in Endocrine Diseases Steroid Hormones and Their Effects
Diabetes and Aging Genetics of diabetes Thyroid Cancer
Diabetes and cancer Gestational Diabetes Thyroid Disorders
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Glomerular Trends in diabetes
Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases Growth Disorders Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Gut Microbiota and Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)
Diabetes and immunology Herbal medicine for diabetes Vitamin D and Calcium Metabolism
Diabetes and Inflammation Hormonal Receptors COVID-19 Epidemiology
Diabetes and Kidney Disease Hormone Metabolism Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases

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